Now that the first month of 2020 is finished, you can leave behind the disappointments of “not getting started” with your goals or “dropping the ball” mid-month.  Studies show 80% have failed to continue working on their goals before the end of January!  With all the holiday distractions in December of planning, traveling, overeating and drinking and then recovering from all that the first week of the new year, how could you possibly put together a serious plan towards achieving your objective(s)?

With January out of the way, all that New Year’s pressure is no longer present which helps you gain a second wind and focus better.  The Oxford Dictionary defines a “second wind” as “a new strength or energy to continue something that is an effort.”  We mostly associate this with a great physical challenge, like in a sport. But we can also gain this new strength within ourselves to rise above our life and business challenges.

Last January I wrote a blog with a similar theme suggesting every day is New Year’s Day and you have 365 chances to start again.  I had also mentioned I was part of a weekly networking group where the possibilities were “looking good” that I would get referrals.  Even after doing a presentation stressing the necessity of video to promote businesses with all the stats to back it up, all I had were promises of “looking to do a video in the future” with no results.  I had to leave the group because I just couldn’t afford the dues after six months without a single referral.

I felt much like I did at mile sixteen the last time I ran the New York City Marathon when I experienced tremendous pain in my knee and the med stations along the route had run out of menthol rub to ease that pain.  They asked if I wanted to stop.  I could have given up, but I reminded myself I had done this marathon three times before and kept moving.  Then my second wind came at mile twenty and I slowly jogged five miles, then sprinted the last mile to the finish line.

Soon after leaving the networking group, I was presented with a challenge to enhance a video to make it more visually compelling (that another company said couldn’t be done) in three days.  The subject matter definitely made it difficult.  But even though I wasn’t in the best of spirits at the time, I reached deep to get that second wind and made such an impression that I’ve been getting steady work from that client ever since.

I still want to promote my message of the importance of video for business (and get more clients) through my blog and podcast but kept hesitating to find the ”right” thing to say.  I need to follow my own advice from my last blog with Seth Godin’s quote, “All of you are prepared, but you’ll never be ready.  To be ready is to be sure it’s going to work and you can’t be sure it’s going to work.”  I should also follow Seth’s advice to just write to keep the ideas flowing and if what I write resonates with someone, they’ll find it.

Writing this blog has given me my second wind, how will you get yours?  Join a group on LinkedIn, Facebook or Meetup.  Search for webinars to find the advice and inspiration you need and look for speakers that resonate with you like Tony Robbins, Marie Forleo, Chris Brogan, Steph Crowder or Seth Godin.  If you want to talk about how video can help you BE SEEN AND HEARD, email me!

Everyone has a second wind, so find that strength within you and move forward!

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